Billabong Sanctuary!!

Friday, February 20th, 2015 at 2:19pm

Hey peoples!

I found animals!!! Today I went with the JCU student association to the Billabong Sanctuary! I got to pet a wombat, and a koala and a grey kangaroo. I also held a very large snake (really proud of myself for that, not gonna lie) and a baby crocodile. The sanctuary is really freaking awesome! There are so many wild birds running around and the kangaroos are just hanging out as well. One of them had a joey in their pouch! There was also a dingo, some emus and many very large crocodiles (all of those had their own enclosures). I was kinda sad because we weren't able to hold the koala because our group was to big so I'm most definitely going back so I can hold a koala. This WILL be a thing! :) I saw that they have a lot of hands-on volunteer opportunities so I'm considering maybe trying to volunteer there. I found out that the clubs I was interested aren't here anymore so I'm looking for either volunteer or research opportunities to get involved.

Last night I went with my hall to one of those giant trampoline places. That was fun and I was glad they finally hosted an event that was alcohol free. I also rode in my first Australian car. It was so weird! (before we were in tour buses so it didn't seem all that different) Then afterwards I caught the end of the campus wide party and got to watch some fire dancers. One of the guys had sparklers on the end of his twirling chains instead of fireballs and that was really really cool.

Other than that it's been really really freaking hot out the past two days. Ugh. But hey, the hurricane missed us so I'm not complaining. I'm sad to say though that Brisbane apparently got nailed pretty bad this morning. It was supposed to hit kind of right in the middle between Townsville and Brisbane but apparently it moved much further south than anticipated. Hurricanes (or cyclones as they're called here) are definitely not something I'm used to dealing with on a normal basis.

Go check out my pics from the sanctuary today! The animals are so awesome! (says the zoology major) Later peoples!


  1. It got down to -10 F here today. Remind me what the word "hot" means again? :P

    1. It means a lot of sweat and sunscreen and water :p

  2. Hi Jenna! Looks like you're having a great time already! Love the pictures - thank you for sharing! - Chris Pierson
