Penguins and Fur Seals and Kangaroos, Oh My!

Hey peoples! Two posts in one day, aren't you lucky lol

First off, sorry for the conflicting date/time on the previous post. I forgot to update the day/time on my computer. I posted that on February 12th around 2:50pm.

I wanted to take a second to share the awesome things I saw on the boat tour! Most importantly, I SAW A WILD PENGUIN!!! :) We also saw these cool sea birds called Gannets and they had chicks that were super cute. Then we found a group of fur seals (which are very endangered in the United States) and they had young pups! On our way back into the harbor we saw our first wild kangaroos on the shore. Lastly, walking back to the hotel we saw an opossum which are arguably much cuter here than the opossums we have in the United States. I was kind of sad that we didn't see any dolphins but the boat tour was really amazing and beautiful and we got to see so many other animals that we don't get to see very often.

I'm calling it a night, later peoples!