Welcome to Townsville/JCU - Culture Shock

Monday, February 16th, 2015 at 10:10am

Hey peoples! Does anyone know how to set the timezone on my Google account? Cause it's not right. Also, if you haven't seen yet, on the right hand side of my page under my picture there is a URL that takes you to my photo album for this trip so go check it out!

So the first few days with Arcadia traveling around really I felt quite comfortable. I was a little uneasy the first day but that was mainly because I was so tired. And I was thinking while I was in Queenscliff and Melbourne that I would feel even more comfortable once I got onto campus. I mean, it's a university campus, how different could it be? Yeah. I was totally wrong. I got here on Saturday and we were taken to our rooms. I have my own room so I will not complain there. However, their standards for keeping the room in good condition are different than they are at Miami. The cork-board is really beaten up and has writing all over it, the two plaster walls have tape and leftover hooks and sticky tack left on them. The two brick walls have writing on them. The furniture is made out of wood and each piece has definitely taken a beating. When I got here they didn't give me my sheets for my bed and when I did get them (they were very awesome and helpful about getting them right away) the fitted sheet doesn't exactly fit. The lights are also kinda sketch, especially the one over my desk. All that being said though, I've settled in now and it doesn't bother me anymore. And the room is clean. In the end that's all that matters. Another thing I'm having to adjust to is that we have co-ed bathrooms. Yup. Guys and girls all use the same bathrooms and same showers. There's a stall for everything though so again, not too bad. I'm up on the 3rd floor so I get a nice breeze through my screen doors and there's a ceiling fan so the room stays a reasonable temperature. Most people leave their doors open too which creates really nice circulation throughout the building. A weird but cleaver feature is that my closet door which is on a rolling track slides all the way over to the door of my room and can be latched to the wall. This provides some privacy while still letting the air circulate through the room because the closet door is slatted. They also have intercoms in the dorm and its a little like Harry Potter in that our dorm (college) is against all the other colleges for the equivalent of the House Cup. We are the University Hall Dragon Slayers. Kinda bad ass on that front. The sun rises early here and every morning we hear all the topical birds singing. They're so pretty and colorful! One last thing that's going to be an adjustment is that we only have our dining hall. That's it. So we have to eat at specific times and we have like two meals to choose from. The food is eatable, not great but eatable. We are so freaking spoiled in the states.

Yesterday, Sunday, we got up at 6am to catch a cab and go down to The Strand and have breakfast. Basically The Strand is the coastal shops area. The breakfast was paid for by Arcadia so we got to have so much amazing food. So freaking good! I had the best chocolate milkshake ever (cause why not?) and chocolate chip pancakes which came with ice cream and caramelized bananas. After breakfast Gizmo (our Arcadia leader here) showed us around Townsville. Then we took the bus to the shopping mall to buy some supplies. After that, we returned to the dorm where we had to go make headbands with our names on them which we're required to wear anytime we're out of our rooms. The amount of glitter in my room right now from that headband.... But yeah it's a good way to get to know people. All the Australians have been super nice so far and many have already offered to take us places. They love showing new people around, it's part of their culture and I love it  :)

As for today, Orientation Week started this morning. I don't have anything going on until 2pm though so I'm just taking it easy this morning and planning out my O Week schedule. Later peoples!

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