First Week of Classes, Reef HQ and Travel Plans

Sunday, March 1st, 2015 at 7:56pm

Hey peoples!

I just finished my first week of classes here at JCU. My professors are really cool and I can tell that they are the best of the best in their fields. They also let students volunteer to help them and their graduate students with their research if it's needed. My conservation professor specializes in sea turtles which is awesome! The only thing that will be different this week is that I'll start my last two practicals.

Friday night I went to see Jupiter Ascending with a group of people. My advice? Don't go see it. It was a strange movie with a week plot. But it was nice to go out. We also stopped at a chocolate restaurant before the movie and I had the best hot chocolate I've ever had. On Saturday I went to Reef HQ with Travis and Kat. It has the largest living coral reef tank which is very impressive considering how difficult it is to maintain live coral. Afterwards we had lunch on The Strand which was a lovely break from dorm food. We wandered around for a little bit longer after lunch and then headed back to JCU. After dinner I spent the night hanging out with my friend Peter who is quick to laugh at my "American accent" lol We talk a lot about cultural differences which I find to be a lot of fun. His room also has air con which is a plus lol

A few days ago I finalized my plans to go to Sydney in two weeks! I'm leaving Saturday, March 14th in the early morning and return Monday, March 16th in the morning before my 2pm class. I'll be staying at a hostel in the city center which is also near the main train station. I have a ticket to tour the Opera House on Saturday and I also plan to spend some time at the aquarium that day too. They have dugongs! On Sunday I'll be taking an all day tour of the city and the surrounding area. I'm really really looking forward to the trip :)

That's all I know for now. Later peoples!

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