Sunrise on Castle Hill

Thursday, March 12th, 2015 at 10:31am

Hey peoples! Short and sweet blog this time.

This past Sunday Peter, Travis, Mary and I got up at 4am and drove to Castle Hill. Castle Hill is a hill (that's literally a few meters too short to call a mountain) close to The Strand. We walked the main road up to the top and to watch the sunrise. Unfortunately the hike took a bit longer than we thought it would so we weren't able to watch the sunrise from the top but the sky grew lighter as we walked and the view at the top was stunning. It was cool seeing how many people were up walking that early in the morning but I guess it makes sense considering how hot it is here during the day. After our hike we went down to The Strand and had breakfast at the Odyssey (that breakfast place we went to my first Sunday in Townsville. So good :)

Anyways, pictures are posted from the hike so you can have proof that I, Jenna Toms, actually got up at 4am to go for a hike and watch the sunrise. Surprising, right? In all seriousness though, I think it's something everyone should do once in their lives. It was a very refreshing and rewarding experience. Later peoples!

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