DINGO ENCOUNTER!!!! (and other awesomeness)

Saturday, March 7th, 2015 at 7:23pm

Hey peoples!!! *warning do not try this at home* ;)

So today I went back to the Billabong Sanctuary with my lovely friend Jess and we got the absolute coolest opportunity! Because the Sanctuary is celebrating their birthday this month, they did a raffle drawing after each animal show/feeding and guess what I won?! AN ENCOUNTER WITH THE DINGOES!!! They were so incredibly friendly! Two females and one male. We walked into the enclosure with the keeper and they instantly wanted cuddles and pets and they gave us kisses and sat on our laps and it was just the most incredible experience. Now the reason I say don't try this at home is because they are not this cuddly in the wild (obviously) but these guys were raised in captivity and receive walks every day before the park opens. We also go to help feed them. We had them sit down and then we set the bowl in front of them. When we clapped our hands twice they were allowed to start eating. It was adorable! In my pictures the females are the two white ones. They are alpine dingoes and are also sisters. They were so soft!!! The male has the more reddish coat and he's from a desert area making his coat a bit more wiry so he can easily shake off the sand. By the end of the 20 minute encounter both Jess and I were covered in dirt and smiling from ear to ear :)

That ended up definitely being the highlight of the day. However, I also got to hold a koala which was so amazing as well! (I told you that was going to be a thing) And while the keeper got a step stool for the young boy next in line he let me hold on to the koala even longer than everyone else. In fact, we got to hold, feed and pet a wide variety of animals including Tonka, the bare-nosed wombat. All in all an absolutely FANTASTIC day (says the zoology major)

Pictures from today are posted and the direct encounters are currently decorating the side of this blog. Hope everyone is still doing well state-side! Later peoples!

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