Jourama and Wallaman Falls

Posted on Sunday, June 21st, 2015 at 3:01pm

Hey peoples, two posts in one day. Aren't you lucky! Haha anyways. The following weekend, May 16th, Jess, Peter and I went to Jourama Falls and Wallaman Falls.

When I went to Jourama Falls with my study abroad group we didn't get to see much more than the falls themselves. So we stopped there on our way to Wallaman Falls. We hiked up to the lookout and then went back down to the rock pools where we had a picnic lunch and explored a while. We met a lovely family from Germany and talked to them for a little while. We also found a blue-green colored snake. It looked really cool. Of course we didn't get too close.

Then we headed further north to Wallaman Falls. As we were driving through the mountains we saw a mama cassowary with her baby which was so incredible! There are only about a 1000 cassowaries left in the wild so seeing an adult is really uncommon but to see a baby? Almost unheard of. Wallaman Falls is the largest single drop waterfall in Australia. It's 268 meters tall. It was so hard to grasp the size of it until you looked down and saw how far away the tree tops were.

On the way back I introduced Jess and Peter to the Frosty Mango mentioned in my previous blog. We all agreed that it was probably a good thing that the Frosty Mango is an hour away from campus. Otherwise we would all be really fat by now lol

There we go. That's my main adventures all caught up with. Today is my last day in Townsville. I leave for Brisbane at 3:30am tomorrow. Pictures from this are also posted. Later peoples!

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