A fresh start and so wait... what's going on?

Hey peoples!
Sooooo this whole blog thing really hasn't been off to the best start. I had a different blog that was created specifically for travelers and it was all beautiful and lovely and then it just disappeared. Poof. Gone. So now I'm trying this. After a few very frustrating hours of trying to get everything set up and looking somewhat pretty, here is my first post! (Hopefully this one won't disappear on me too)

Most of you know what's going on by now but I thought I'd write a brief summary of what I've been up to, where I'll be the next few months and what this blog is all about. First things first, over the past few months I have been working with Miami University and Arcadia University in order to study at James Cook University this coming semester. Arcadia is basically the middle-man organizing everything with both Miami and James Cook. On February 9th I'll be heading to Melbourne, Australia for a few days of orientation. After that I'll be flying to Townsville for a JCU specific orientation. After that, classes start. What classes you may ask? I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know when I know. I will be a full time student however, which is 12 credit hours in Australia (equivalent to 16 credit hours in the US). I'll be staying in University Hall which is the central college (AU "college" = US "dorm") on campus. I will be in Australia until June 22nd. That's about all I know for right now.

Lastly, this blog. I plan to spend very little time on Facebook or Skype while I'm abroad. I won't have my phone with me either. This will be the primary place for people to see what I'm to as well as look at my travel tips and tricks. Please feel free to ask questions and post suggestions/advice throughout my trip! Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you! Enjoy yourself! FYI I miss seeing you. - Chris Pierson
